Thursday, January 29, 2009

Farfalle e bufere

Farfalle della coscienza

Col volo dei pensieri

Dipingono nell’assenza

Dei loro cavalieri.

Nel centro dell’Amore

C’è un grande castello

Che vuoto di umore

Aspetta il suo anello.

Il principe delle parole

Corre contro la bufera,

Sorridendo al sole,

Forse arriverà stasera.

Come la farfalla non vede

La trappola delle bufere

Così la donna non chiede

Cosa al cuore fa piacere.

Spariscono i complotti

Di fronte agli innamorati,

Nell’impero delle mille notti

Dove appena son entrati.

Last night I dreamed of a criminal

Last night I dreamed of a criminal

In endless shades of deadly red,
It was something ever so personal
Without the sinister bloodshed.
Creeping over me in the shadow
He smiled at my forbidden stillness,
Caught in his gaze, I had to follow -
Tamed by my very own weakness.
Trapped in the arms of a killer
With no desire to get away
I wondered who was sadder:
The bloody god or the guilty pray?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Punk isn’t dead, it has just evolved!

Music is an unavoidable ingredient in everyone’s life - whether it’s the music we play by personal choice or the music we hear in supermarkets.
We've all accepted the fact that our current generation judges and categorizes its peers by the music that they listen to. Ever asked yourself: “Why is that”? Because music isn't just something you listen to anymore, it's who you are.
Whenever I want to listen to music, I just can’t help but imagine the rebellious drum’n’bass combination ringing in my ears. In the end, I’m stuck on a punk background. And I enjoy it constantly.
But what exactly is PUNK? Technical definition: A rock form characterized by aggressive volume, short, angry vocals and emotional content.
If you ask me, that’s a bit too summarized.
What do I think Punk is? Punk is thinking for yourself, sincere aggression and kindness at the same time. It’s about being open-minded and accepting change. Punk is being different without trying, embracing a “do it yourself” ethic.
Surely, you’ve caught the main idea by now.
So that’s all. A punk never dwells too much in one place!